Tuesday, January 1, 2019

2019: A New Year, A New You

Hello everyone.  Happy New Year!

As 2018 came to a close, I was thinking about what I achieved in the year and where I fell short.  I realized that I had some big goals.  Some very big goals.  I also spent a lot of time reading, analyzing, and thinking about what to do next.  The problem:  too much thinking/analyzing and not enough action.

To make dreams and goals a reality, you have to work and take action.  That is something I have not been very good at the last few years.  This is what I plan to change in 2019.

Examples of this are:

Getting in better shape.  I can not get in better shape just thinking about it.  I can not do it by simply watching a video.  I actually have to take action and move.  I started a new workout routine yesterday that I will do for the next six weeks.  Resistance three days a week, and cardio for three days with a day off to recover.

Part of getting in better shape is being mindful of my eating habits.  Cutting down on sweets.  I have a big sweet tooth so this is challenging for me.

What are your goals for 2019?

Is it going back to school?  Is it finding a better job?  Getting in better shape?  Eating better?  Spending more time with family?  The list of things to improve is endless.  The one key to all of this is to take action.

Want to go back to school?  Do you know what you want to study?  Do you have to take a test?  What do you need to study to take this test?

Looking for a better job.  Are you burnt out on your current one?  Are you looking for something you are passionate about?  What skills will you need?  Do you currently have any of them?  Do you have to go back to school?

As you can see, there are a lot of questions you need to ask to make any type of change.  These questions are just the beginning.

My focus is health and fitness.  To change these, you need to make up your mind that you need to change.  Talking about it isn't going to change anything.  Wishing it will not work either.  No one else can do the work for you.  You will have to do it on your own.  People can help and assist you, but you will have to do the work.  People have made the changes that you are thinking about many times over.  If others can do it, why can't you?  What makes them different than you?  They don't have a special secret formula to see success.

I have found that there are two secrets at work (and they are not really secrets at all): 1.  Do the work and 2) stay consistent.   Changes come from the accumulation of all the small steps.

This being a new year, you have an opportunity to make the changes you want.  Go forth and make those changes.  If you need assistance, feel free to contact me.

In Fitness,
RH Wells