Monday, November 27, 2017

Secrets to weight loss? There are none

Without fail, every month there is an article on "Secrets to weight loss".  Truth of the matter is that there are no secrets to weight loss.  I have seen these articles on magazine covers since the mid-'80's.  You can probably Google the subject and get a ton of hits on this.  This has been around for so long, that it should not be a surprise  when we see an article like this.  People are always looking for a quick fix.  Unfortunately, there is no quick fix.   

Using common sense, here is what seems to work best according to everything I read and hear when I work on my education to maintain my certification.

  1. Behavior experts say that the best way to change habits is to work on them in small steps.  For example, don't try to change smoking habits, drinking habits and exercise habits all at once.  These are a lot of changes for your body.  Mentally we may be able to think we can change them all at once, but it is easier to change them one at a time.  By changing one at a time, you will be more focused, more intentional on that one habit.
  2. When it comes to diet, a lot of people impose way to many rules.  Can't have sweets, can't have bread, can't do this, can't do that.  You have all heard what people say.  If your end goal is to change all of these items on your diet, that's great.  My number one question to you would be, 'is it sustainable for the rest of your life?'.  I enjoy food and part of life is enjoying the different tastes of the variety of foods that are out there.  Working on getting out of debt, my wife and I learned that the easiest way to do it was to pay the smallest amount first.  Then take that money and apply it to the next lower debt and so on. This rule applies to weight loss as well.  Start by cutting out/ minimizing soda one week.  When your comfortable with that, cut down/minimize fast foods in addition to the soda.  A lot of people also tend to think that they can eat more if it is clean or healthy food.  You still will need to watch how much you eat.  
  3. In the '90's, a popular concept that was created was the idea of eating good and clean six days, then on the seventh day having a cheat day in which you could eat whatever you want.  The problem with this is that people would not moderate what they ate.  In theory it looks great.  In reality, not so much.  The way to solve this issue is to have a cheat meal, not a cheat day.  If you want to reward yourself for killing it all week with your nutrition and exercise and you want to go out to Cheesecake Factory, by all means enjoy yourself.  The portions there are huge.  You can split a meal and desert.   Doing this, you take care of your cravings and you get to eat something that you normally don't.  
  4. A lot of people and some trainers still believe that if burning more calories than you consume is good for weight loss, then restricting your calories by a lot would be better for faster weight loss.  That just isn't so.  Your body requires a bare minimum of calories to survive.  This is your Basal Metabolic Rate (BMR).  The human body is an amazing creation.  If you don't eat enough, it goes into survival mode and holds on to what it can and gets rid of what it doesn't need.  That's why we start to lose muscle after age 30.  Along with getting enough calories from nutrient dense food, you also need to get enough water.  Not getting enough water can hold you back on that weight loss you are working so hard on as well.
  5. I also see a lot of people going into weight loss with short term thinking.  Weight loss is more of a long term issue.  More like life style, less I want to impress people I haven't seen in 25 years.  After people do a cleansing diet for say 21 days, they regain the weight very rapidly.  You have two organs that can cleanse your system, the liver and your kidneys.  To help them out, drink plenty of water and cut/eliminate alcohol and soda.  Your body will take care of the rest.
  6. People also tend to underestimate how much they eat.  The solution to this is journaling what you eat. Food, drinks, snacks...if you ingest it, it needs to be logged down.  This keeps you honest and it gives you a realistic picture of what your actual calories are.  Knowing this, you can make adjustments as it is necessary to meet your weight loss goals.  This is not just good for weight loss, but for improving performance in a particular sport as well.  This will help with number 2 above.
  7. Focusing on weight is another issue I see.  A lot of people get upset if the scale doesn't go down and they lose it if they gain weight.  There are a lot of issues that goes into the up and downs of weight loss.  Especially with women.  Some issues are water intake, how much sodium they ate, are they regular, for women a big issue is their period.  It is also affected by what they do to exercise.  Weightlifting will likely add muscle, which is denser than fat, and will add weight.  This is a good thing since muscle is a living tissue that needs calories and burns calories too.  Fat just sits there.  This extra muscle will help with your metabolism.
Please, don't over complicate weight loss.  Take it a step at a time, making incremental improvements towards your goals.  If you eat something you had not planned for the day, make the adjustments for the meal or the next day.  It is not the end of the world.  Two things I want you to take from this are: weight loss is a lifestyle change and enjoy life.  Yes, you can do both.

Monday, November 20, 2017

Need help with your nutrition? Here's a free tool for you.

Here is a free tool to help you with your diet goals.  I like this for a number of reasons:

  1. It's free.
  2. It's easy to use.
  3. I am not a nutritionist or dietitian.  Those are roles that are out of my scope of practice.  This allows me to guide and teach what is good and what is bad.
  4. It allows you to put in your own recipes.
  5. It's faster to use once you have some foods logged in.
Here is a quick video that shows what you can do with this free app.  If you're a client of mine, you can connect MyFitnessPal to my app and I can review your nutrition habits and guide you to success in meeting your goals.

Monday, November 13, 2017

Tis the season - 3 ways to get a head start on health

As we begin the home stretch for 2017, this is the time when a lot of people eat more than they should, drink more than they should and come January they begin their New Year's Resolutions to lose weight, get in better health...the usual annual resolutions.  Here are some tips to use to plan for the holidays and a way to get a jump start on the upcoming resolutions and how to stick to them.

1.  Eat everything - in moderation of course.
These are the holidays after all.  We gather with friends and family.  We all have a plethora of items to choose from.  Turkey, ham, turducken, mac 'n' cheese, green been casserole, sweet potato souffle, corn on the cob, the list goes on and on.  For most of us, we like everything that is being served.  The trick here is not to get a full scoop of everything, especially if they are the large serving spoons.  Instead, use your utensils and serve yourself portions that are large enough to enjoy the flavor, yet small enough that you will not over stuff yourself and feel like the turkey.  One thing I have come to realize is that there is usually enough that you can go back for more later if you didn't get enough.

2.  Plates - not platters.
Remember, this is a social gathering not a food eating contest.  Use smaller plates and don't build mountains with your food.  You can always go back for more.  How do you know you have enough food?  Well, I don't expect anyone to take a food scale and measure what your eating.  The easiest way to measure is by using your hands.  My tips to determine your proper portions are:
  • Proteins:  Make a fist.  The back of your hand is the correct portion.
  • Carbs:  Put your hands together to make a bowl.  
  • Fats:  The size of your thumb.
3.  Play 
If at all possible, get out and play with the kids.  I know someone has to cook and make sure nothing gets burned and that everything is good to go once it's meal time.  If you don't have kids, go for a walk.  Other things you can do is go for a bike ride, go to the gym and try a Pilate's class.  If you feel adventurous, try a spin class.  You will try something new and burn up calories.  Other things I have done in the past is do yard work - rake leaves, mow the grass, just be active.

When most people make their resolutions in January to get in shape and loose weight, a lot of people are all gung ho and hit it hard.  In a matter of weeks they start to burn out when they don't start to see the results that they had hoped for.  The excess weight and deconditioning didn't happen overnight.  You are not going to correct it overnight either.  Realizing this, take it slow and begin by building up your endurance.  Do that for the next six weeks.  Then you can begin to add resistance training and start building muscle, which will help with your metabolism.  At our house, we usually have our big meal at lunch time.  When I do get to workout in the morning, I am ready to eat everything in sight.  I usually have one plate at meal time.  A couple hours later I have desert.  Several hours later I have another plate of whatever is left over.

I hope these suggestions help get you through the holiday season.  Let me know if you have any questions I can help with.