Wednesday, December 21, 2016

Welcome to RHWellsFitness!

Welcome!  Thank you for stopping by. 

This post is just an introduction of myself to the world at large. 

Who is RH Wells?  I am a certified personal trainer through the American Council on Exercise.  I enjoy health and fitness and this is my way of sharing, and hopefully making a difference, with the world.  I am human and have my share of health issues.  I have found that exercise has helped me cope with my condition and continues to give me a very good quality of life. 

Here in the States, there seems to be a disconnect between the rising cost of healthcare, the rising occurrence of obesity, and the lack of exercise people get.  My plan is to educate people on what we can change and how to change it to give us all a better quality of life.  Some things, unfortunately, are out of our control.  With some pre-planning and proactive actions on our part, we can improve our quality of life and hopefully reduce the costs/occurrences of the things that are out of our control.

I will be writing posts about health, fitness, and nutrition.  Disclosure:  I am NOT an MD or a RD.  I do not prescribe or eliminate foods based on what ails you.  I also can't diagnose ailments that you might be going through.  These are things you need to see a medical professional for.  Any personal trainer that prescribes a diet or diagnosis of an ailment, unless so licensed, is doing you a disservice and is operating beyond their scope of practice.

What I do and suggest is based on research and science.  In the course of the past 100 years, the USDA has provided food guides to educate people on what to eat and what quantities to eat.  I'm sure majority of people have heard of it and forgotten it as well.  The guidelines have changed several times since their inception in 1916.  The knowledge of exercise science has changed a lot in the past 40+ years as well.  Other things that have changed over the years are: portion sizes, food labels, amount of meals eaten out vs home cooked meals, food allergies to name a few.

Thanks again for stopping by to read.  Hope to see you back for more.

RH Wells