Wednesday, May 3, 2017

9 Ways To Improve Your Health

I have heard and have read a lot of people say they don't like to workout.  They don't like to lift weights.  They don't like to run.  There is nothing wrong with that.  Not all forms of exercise or physical activity are for everyone.  As a teen, I hated mowing the lawn.  Now as an adult, I don't mind it so much.  There are still other things that I would rather do with my time, but I realize that it is something that needs to be done. 

To be healthy, you don't have to do what everyone else is doing.  You don't like to lift weights...then don't.  You don't want to run a marathon...then don't.  The point is to do things that you enjoy so that you can do them for life and not just the few months that you're going to hate trying to get healthy.  If you hate it, chances are you will give up on your efforts and say it isn't for you.

The human body is an amazing piece of machinery.  You can walk, run, jump, hop, throw, swim, climb, crawl, roll and many other things.  Here is a small list if things one can do to get healthier:

1.  Lift Weights - This is one of the first things that comes to mind when you talk about exercising.  Some of the benefits are: builds stong bones, helps improve muscle tone and strenght, helps with loosing fat.

2.  Running - This is another item that comes to mind.  Some benefits are:  good for your heart, good for your lungs, and it helps to build endurance.

3.  Swimming - Not only is this a good form of cardio, but it is also a good life skill to have.  Like running, it is good for the heart, lungs and helps to build enduance.

4.  Play any sport - Sports are great because you run, jump, shoot, throw, change directions on a dime.  This is great, especially if you have a sedentary job.  There is also a social aspect to this as well.

5.  Play with the kids/grandkids - They will get you running around, jumping and just moving around.  I once told my son I was stepping on his shadow.  He then ran to get me "off" his shadow and then he turned around and was stepping on my shaddow and I did the same thing.  it's about having fun.

8.  Wall/Rock climbing - I've enjoyed doing this.  It is different than eveything else on this list, it also works on your muscles defferntly than do weights. 

9.  Walking - a good form of exercise that requires no equipment.  Some people go the the mall before the stores open just to walk around before the crowds get there.  This is also a great place to start if you have never been physically active and have no endurance.

This is by no means exhaustive.  There are so many more that I have left off this list.  The point is not to do what eveyone is doing.  I have a cousin that likes to do triathalons, I have no interest in doing them.  The point is to do what you enjoy and keep your body moving.  My whole life I have heard the saying "Use it, or loose it" applied to a lot of different things.  It definatly applies to being physially active (flexibility, endurance, strength).  Good thing is, you can always improve from where your at today.

Let me know what you think.  What type of activities do you enjoy doing?  Please share if you like this post.

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